Why Your Mental Health toolbox  is so IMPORTANT During This Time!

During this time of crisis, everything may feel like it is swirling around you. The kids, telecommuting, the news, and you and your partner are adapting to a new way of life. You may be hearing a lot of strategies to help cope but who has the time for that? 

Although you’re pressed for time, it’s time to take a breath and start putting together a Mental Health Toolbox. We’re not sure how long this situation is going to last so let’s put together some tried and true skills that may work for you! 

Where to begin you ask? I would start with a simple question. 

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? In other words, do you thrive off connecting with people? Rather be by yourself with a good book? Or somewhere in between?

For extroverts I would apply the ideas that generate the most virtual interaction! 

An Introvert? Pick and choose how you would like to connect to people and leave in a lot of activities that replenish you individually. 

Somewhere in between? Mix and Match ideas and make a schedule to balance what you need in the moment!

Take the listed  suggestions below and apply them to how much connection you need in your life to start building your tools box! 

  • Play Games with Friends – Virtually! 

Ever see the games that they play on the late-night shows and think, “hey, that would be fun!” Well, you can download some of them! Jackbox, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, and Communal Puzzles are all great games that are great for adult friends after the kids go to sleep (except for the puzzles!)

  • Exercise!

I know, I know. But 20 minutes a day is a great way to start. The best part is you can support some local businesses who are putting up online classes. Click Here to see a full list! Most of them are free to stream and at most cost $15. 

Or If a class seems too daunting, try these workout ideas from home! 

  • Change your mindset!

Take a look below and see if any of these sound familiar!

  • Make a Plan that Works for YOU and YOUR FAMILY!

Trying to find time for everything can be challenging BUT communication can go a long way during this time! When are you and the family going on that walk? When can you listen to an audiobook  for a few minutes? When can you get 20 minutes to yourself? Planning these things out can go a long way! 

  • Give yourself permission to log-off!!

Last but certainly not least, remember to log-off from the news, social media, and even those games with friends! It’s important to have time to reflect and process during this time. Be it in a quiet moment, with a family member or friend, or mental health professional, it’s essential to give yourself time to breathe!