Has Substance Abuse Caused You To Lose Hold Of Yourself?
Were you a casual drinker before a difficult season caused you to seek refuge in alcohol? Do you find yourself using drugs to cope with past hurt or trauma? Have forms of self-medication left you feeling resentful, detached, or isolated?
Perhaps you feel alone, as if no one understands the stress you’re under to succeed at work or school. Or maybe you’ve overcome a painful past to become the resilient individual you are today, yet you can’t seem to understand why you’ve turned to your substance of choice to cope with these experiences.
Substance abuse knows no age, gender, ethnicity, race, or socio-economic status, and it is often a self-prescribed “treatment” for difficulties in life. These difficulties can include relationship challenges with a partner, spouse, or children, job loss, divorce, childhood trauma, or mental health issues, among others. And while drugs and alcohol can provide relief from these difficulties in the short-term, what will you do for the long-term when you’re left needing more and more to fill the emptiness you feel inside?
As you search for a continual high, you may also find yourself experiencing troubling emotions like depression, anxiety, or a sense of powerlessness. In addition, your relationships, health, and finances may suffer. And not to mention, the shame you may feel can add to the sensation that you’re slowly losing control over your life.
When you’ve lost yourself and feel alone with no one to turn to, substance abuse counseling can offer hope. Counseling can help you find your way out of addiction and towards peace with yourself, your relationships, and your life in general.
We Do Our Best To Cope With Our Struggles, But Not Every “Coping Strategy” Is Healthy
We all face experiences that deeply impact us, yet we forge forward despite our pain. How we deal with this pain depends on such factors as our support base and pre-existing mental health conditions. Some of us are fortunate enough to have the mental capacity and support to make it through difficult seasons unscathed. Yet others among us lack this foundation and may instead try to “help” ourselves with drugs or alcohol, slowly slipping into addiction in an attempt to numb our pain.
This pain can include scars from childhood, such as bullying or emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Or perhaps the pain stems from the feeling of overwhelm created by the pressure to perform at work, school, or home. We may be carrying the pain of feeling unloved because we give to others without anything ever being given back to us in return. These wounds can lead us to seek an escape in substance use and what may begin as occasional use can, sadly, turn into abuse.
Once we’ve developed the signs of a possible addiction, we may feel the heaviness of shame for not being able to stop what we thought we could control, tricking ourselves into believing that we don’t need help. Out of fear of judgment about perceived weaknesses, we often don’t seek the guidance we desperately need and we may experience feelings of grief because we’re losing ourselves to addiction.
If you struggle with substance abuse, this world may feel menacing. Yet substance abuse counseling can provide you with the safe space to learn to trust again and see yourself without judgment as the person you truly are.
Substance Abuse Counseling Can Help You Find Peace And Rebuild Your Foundation For A Better Tomorrow
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” -Marianne WIlliamson
Substance abuse counselors can help you to normalize your experiences with addiction, understand the root case of your actions, and give you the tools for rebuilding life, beginning with your thoughts and behaviors. We have helped many clients find the strength to uncover the sometimes painful truth about their experiences and make personal breakthroughs that have empowered them to make a full recovery from their struggles with addiction.
Elevate Counseling sets a firm foundation for recovery by offering an encouraging and open environment that honors without judgment your story and present struggles. This approach has helped many overcome addiction from substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, vaping, and concentrated forms of THC.
Our intake process begins with connecting you to a client care coordinator who will speak with you to learn more about your story and match you to a best-fitting substance abuse counselor. From there, your therapist will set you up in our patient portal to fill out intake forms that will be reviewed during your first session. At this time, we will also create a personalized treatment plan.
In sessions, you have the ultimate say in what we do and don’t discuss, and to what extent we discuss each topic. Topics discussed may include presenting signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol abuse, how addiction affects different areas of your life, unresolved emotional pain, healthy coping strategies, and self-reflection. As sessions progress, you can learn to live life more fully without the need for alcohol or drugs by developing stronger communication skills, healthier relationships, and proactive approaches for achieving life goals.
We don’t just ask you to bring yourself to the table for counseling—we also bring ourselves with evidence-based modalities used to treat substance abuse. These modalities include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical-Behavior Therapy (DBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), and Mindfulness. CBT, DBT and REBT help lessen the influence of negative thoughts and emotions so that you can improve your reactions to difficult situations, which is an incredibly powerful treatment tool for drug and alcohol addiction.
And mindfulness cultivates an inner calm so you seek shelter within yourself rather than in external sources like drugs or alcohol. In addition to these tools for treatment, we may also include expressive therapies such as journaling, music, or movement to treat substance abuse.
Recovery may seem impossible and out of reach. Yet substance abuse counseling can help you slowly but steadily regain sobriety and gain a new lease on life to build a foundation for a new and improved future.
But you may still have questions about substance abuse counseling…
I don’t have the money for treatment.
Treatment may carry a price tag out of your budget, but we encourage you to think creatively about how you might be able to invest in treatment and give yourself a fighting chance at truly beating addiction. What might carry a price tag now will certainly pay off in the long run when you’re able to access your whole self in all areas of your life without being held hostage to drugs or alcohol.
I’m worried that I will be judged if people find out I’m in recovery.
Fear is an overwhelming feeling, especially when we know that the stigma of certain struggles can impact how others see us. A person may see you in a certain way or maybe they won’t–you can never have full control of someone else’s perception of you. Either way, however, the support of a substance abuse counselor can help alleviate some of your fear. The goal is for you to get better and a safe counseling space can help you do this. We believe that as you continue to recover and build your support base, the outside assumptions of others will eventually become white noise on your way to healing.
I’m afraid I won’t recognize myself after treatment.
No you won’t, and while that can be unnerving, that is also okay. Right now you’re functioning from a place of self-preservation, and when you learn to exist without the use of drugs or alcohol to feel whole, you will feel like a new person because you’ve done the hard work of overcoming addiction. Fear is an honest response, but just as you slowly developed a dependency on drugs or alcohol, you can slowly learn to become comfortable in your new and improved self.
Are You Ready To Regain Control Over Your Life And Tap Into Your Full Potential?
Sometimes we get off track and spiral into a dangerous but “safe” unknown when it comes to using substances. If you’re ready to name your experience, make meaning of it, and create a roadmap for recovery with understanding and nonjudgmental support, we invite you to contact us for a free, 15-minute consultation to learn more about how we can help.