Social distancing has put a giant pause on recovery meetings. Thankfully, there are ways to stay committed to your recovery throughout the duration of COVID-19.
Attend an Online Meeting
- Alcoholics Anonymous online intergroup directory has lists of virtual meetings.
- AA Near You can provide you with numbers to AA intergroups in your state. They can assist you in finding access to meetings. Check their websites too!
- In the Rooms.
- Weconnectrecovery
- Unity Recovery
- Narcotics Anonymous
- SMART Recovery
- Recovery Dharma uses Buddhist practices and principles to support individuals in recovery.
- Women For Sobriety
- Cocaine Anonymous
Stay In Touch
Your support group, friends, family, other recovery friends etc. are only a text or phone call away. Sometimes the phone feels heavy, but you’ll feel better after reaching out.

Many therapists and OP programs are creating ways to set up phone sessions. Talk to your therapist or call a program and ask if they can still set up phone sessions.

Mindfulness Meditation
This kind of meditation teaches one to become more self aware. Insight Timer is a great tool for finding free meditations. If you prefer sitting in the quiet they also have a simple timer.
Other meditation apps (there may be a subscription fee):
You can also find meditations on Youtube and Spotify!

Are you:
- Hungry? Eat something.
- Angry? Meditate. Journal. Call or text someone. Etc.
- Lonely? Call or text someone.
- Tired? Go to sleep.
Practice Self-Care
Self-care looks different for everyone. For some it’s playing a video game and for others it’s going for a run. It can be as simple as taking a nap or a hot shower. Whatever fills your spirit is good enough.
Sober Podcasts
- Google sober podcasts!
- The Bubble Hour
- ODAAT Chat
- That Sober Guy
- A Sober Girl’s Guide
- Recovery Happy Hour
- Sober Nation Podcast
Other Resources:
- Call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
- Sign up for Daily Ponderables. It’s a daily email that includes quick reads from AA and NA literature, as well as Buddhism and Native American thoughts.
- I Am Sober app
- SoberGrid