The primary focus right now is taking care of ourselves and family. If you’re worried your child will fall behind during this time, try not to fret. All schools have been closed. Many children are in the same boat when it comes to missing all this school time. Academics or assignments can come second. Once normality returns, educators will be prepared for this. Let’s shift our thinking!  The present is a unique opportunity to learn by doing things other than spend hours in a classroom.

Learning Supports

Explore what truly helps your children learn. Maybe it’s starting school work later, having more outside time, including more virtual learning, etc. 

Facilitate Learning That Brings Joy

Involve children in their learning. Incorporate what they enjoy into assignments. 

Teachable Moments

All interactions are teachable moments. When a child asks a question, answer these questions through research or experiments. 

Boredom Isn’t Bad

Boredom is an opportunity for children to explore their inner and outer worlds. They can learn to manage unstructured time and discover their own interests.

Develop a Rhythm

Have routines that are flexible. Let children have a say and review daily if it’s working. 

Give Choices

Let them choose which assignments to do first. Having the choice to use a pen or colored pencil can make a HUGE difference.

Learning is Everywhere

Board games combine playtime, strategic thinking, and connection. Baking involves numbers. Independent play builds on creativity and self-motivation.

Screen Time Isn’t Just Screen Time

The internet is a lot more than just screen time. You can tour museums, learn to draw, do crafts and science projects, watch animals, etc. Google and Youtube are your friends too! They can offer guidance if you’re unsure how to teach something.

You can take a child out of school, but nothing will stop their ability to learn in any environment.